Fees will include 26 private lessons @$ 30/30min, $45/45min, or $60/60min lessons, 8 group lessons @ $20/each, 2 recitalsand 2 dress rehearsals @ $15/each, as well as the piano accompanist’s fees @ $30/each recital. Please note that monthly payments are divided into10 months, therefore there is always a final payment due on June 1st even if our lessons generally end at the end of May
Option 1 Annual Tuition
Due by September 1st
30 minute lessons $1065/year
45 minute lessons $1415/year
60 minute lessons $1805/year
Option 2 Quarterly Tuition
Due by September 1st, December 1st, and March 1st
30 minute lessons $355/quarter
45 minute lessons $471.66/quarter
60 minute lessons $601.66/quarter
Option 3 Monthly Tuition
Due by the first week of every month beginning September 1st thru June 1st. (10 monthly payments).
30 minute lessons $106.50/month
45 minute lessons $141.50/month
60 minute lessons $180.50/month